K3s rancher 什么是 AutoK3s#. If the K3s cluster was imported into Rancher, Rancher will manage the system-upgrade-controller deployment and plans. 添加Server节点(如不需要添加Server节点可忽略) 2. To set up infrastructure for a high-availability K3s Kubernetes cluster with an external database, refer to this page. 你可以通过以下两种方式之一来配置 Kubernetes 选项: Rancher UI:使用 Rancher UI 来选择设置 Kubernetes 集群时常用的自定义选项。 This release updates Kubernetes to v1. For information on how K3s components work together, refer to the architecture section. Make sure your nodes meet the requirements before proceeding. For example, if you want . Align the CLI-reported default --etcd-snapshot-dir value with the actual one (server, etcd 高级选项和配置. 使用 K3d 云提供商创建 K3s 集群的自定义参数配置仅有一项,接下来对每个配置项进行 这个安装 Rancher 的最终命令需要一个将流量转发到 Rancher 的域名。如果你使用 Helm CLI 设置概念证明,则可以在传入 hostname 选项时使用伪域名。 伪域名的一个例子是 <IP_OF_LINUX_NODE>. In June 2020, K3s was donated to the CNCF as a testament to NGINX will be configured as Layer 4 load balancer (TCP) that forwards connections to one of your Rancher nodes. 11 (Unreleased) v2. Using the --disable flag . It adds support for sqlite3 as the default storage backend. 已注册 EKS,AKS 和 GKE 集群的附加功能 . Etcd3, MariaDB, MySQL, and Postgres are also supported. If the K3s cluster was provisioned by Rancher, Rancher will use system agent to manage version Obtain up to 5 years of enterprise support for k3s with SUSE Rancher Prime. 你可以通过以下两种方式之一来配置 Kubernetes 选项: Rancher UI:使用 Rancher UI 来选择设置 Kubernetes 集群时常用的自定义选项。 Upgrades Upgrading your K3s cluster . 有关不同网络提供商以及如何配置它们的更多详细信息,请查阅 RKE2 文档。. 9; v2. Imported RKE2 and K3s Kubernetes clusters can then be upgraded and managed through Rancher going forward. Disabling Manifests . วันนี้ไปเจอ Kubernetes distribution หนึ่ง ชื่อ k3s ซึ่งพยายามทำให้เล็กเหมาะกับงานพวก Edge IoT CI และ ARM โดย binary ขนาดเล็กกว่า 40 MB. K3s is packaged K3s is a fully conformant production-ready Kubernetes distribution with the following changes: It is packaged as a single binary. Upgrades Upgrading your K3s cluster . It is packaged as a single binary. This ensures complete separation of workloads and eliminates any potential resource contention or security risks. . tls. 你可以通过以下两种方式之一来配置 Kubernetes 选项: Rancher UI:使用 Rancher UI 来选择设置 Kubernetes 集群时常用的自定义选项。 If Rancher is installed on a K3s Kubernetes cluster, only two nodes are required. What is k3d?¶ k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab’s minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker. ; Add a Target Service. It has a lot of the alpha and cloud plugins cleaned up, while also using a relational database (in this case, RDS) instead of etcd for backend storage. If you use this option, Ingress routes requests for a hostname to the service or workload that you specify. 6. RKE (Rancher Kubernetes Engine) is a certified Kubernetes distribution and CLI/library which creates and manages a Kubernetes cluster. 如果您不想使用默认的配置,可以点击 Advance 按钮,进入自定义参数页面进行更多参数的设置。 或者您可以在集群列表页点击 Create 按钮进入自定义参数页面进行更多参数的设置。. Note: k3d is a community-driven project but it’s not an official Rancher (SUSE) product. Managing Packaged Components details how to disable packaged components, or install your own using auto-deploying manifests. 1 开始,K3s 可以处理 Helm v2 或 Helm v3。 Rancher 与以下开箱即用的网络提供商兼容: Canal; Cilium*; Calico; Multus * 在 Cilium CNI 中使用项目网络隔离时,你可以开启跨节点入口路由。 详情请参见 CNI 提供商文档。. source=secret --set privateCA=true 验证rancher是否安装成功 三、docker安装 Rancher是一个开源的企业级Kubernetes管理平台,实现了Kubernetes集群在混合云+本地数据中心的集中部署与管理。Rancher一向因操作体验的直观、极简备受用户青睐,被Forrester评为“2020年多云容器开发平台领导厂商 本页解释了 CoreDNS、Traefik Ingress 控制器和 Klipper service load balancer 如何在 K3s 中工作。 关于 Flannel 配置选项和后端选择的细节,或如何设置自己的 CNI,请参考安装网络选项页面。. Skip to main content. Rancher是一个开源的企业级Kubernetes管理平台,实现了Kubernetes集群在混合云+本地数据中心的集中部署与管理。Rancher一向因操作体验的直观、极简备受用户青睐,被Forrester评为“2020年多云容器开发平台领导厂商 Rancher is a popular open-source platform that provides a complete solution for managing Kubernetes clusters. 10; v2. In many tutorials found during my learning process I've found very irritating that someone paste a bunch of shell commands and does not explain the decisions behind that, going to To install the Rancher management server on a high-availability RKE cluster, we recommend setting up the following infrastructure: Three Linux nodes, typically virtual machines, in an infrastructure provider such as Amazon's EC2, Google Compute Engine, or vSphere. 32. Learn how to set up a high-availability K3s Kubernetes cluster for Rancher server with external datastore, load balancer, and DNS. For registered cluster nodes, the Rancher UI exposes the ability to cordon, drain, and edit the node. 本文介绍了如何在腾讯云 CVM 中创建和初始化 K3s 集群,以及为已有的 K3s 集群添加节点的操作步骤。除此之外,本文还提供了在腾讯云 CVM 上运行 AutoK3s 的进阶操作指导,如配置私有镜像仓库、启用腾讯云 CCM(Cloud Controller Manager)和启用 UI 组件。 K3s ist eine besonders kleine und benutzerfreundliche Kubernetes-Distribution von Rancher. 双栈网络 . Infrastructure Setup. 使用 K3d 云提供商创建 K3s 集群的自定义参数配置仅有一项,接下来对每个配置项进行 The Rancher management server can be installed on any Kubernetes cluster, including hosted clusters, such as Amazon EKS clusters. Changes since v1. ; A DNS record to map a URL to the load Configuration with binary . Specify a hostname to use . auwink. , INSTALL_K3S_VERSION="v1. Automated Upgrades describes how to perform Kubernetes-native automated upgrades using Rancher's system-upgrade-controller. The installation section covers in greater detail how K3s can be set up. K3s 是经过完全认证的 Kubernetes 产品,在某些情况下可以替代完整的 K8s。. Manual Upgrades describes several techniques for upgrading your cluster manually. This tutorial is about one possible way to set up your load balancer, not the only way. 7; v2. This tutorial is intended to help you provision the underlying infrastructure for a Rancher management server. 本文介绍 Rancher 中可用于新的或现有的 K3s Kubernetes 集群的配置选项。 概述 . Sponsoring: To spend any significant When you install Rancher inside of a Kubernetes cluster, TLS is offloaded at the cluster's ingress controller. Latest; v2. As stated, the installation script is primarily concerned with configuring K3s to run as a service. This is not particularly useful for permanent installations, but may be useful when performing quick tests 至此,Rancher + K3s部署完毕。 Rancher可以进行多集群管理,如果你有其他的集群,也可以按同样的操作导入到Rancher中。 需要注意的是Rancher与K3s版本需要有对应关系,这也是本次教程使用指定版本安装Rancher与K3s的原因。 所有 Kubernetes control plane 组件的操作都封装在单个二进制文件和进程中。因此,K3s 支持自动化和管理复杂的集群操作(例如证书分发等)。 最大程度减轻了外部依赖性,K3s 仅需要现代内核和 cgroup 挂载。K3s 打包了所需的依赖,包括: containerd; Flannel (CNI) CoreDNS K3S+Rancher之在线安装 三、向K3S集群中添加新的节点 1. If you choose to not use the script, you can run K3s simply by downloading the binary from our release page, placing it on your path, and executing it. 你可以通过以下两种方式之一来配置 Kubernetes 选项: Rancher UI:使用 Rancher UI 来选择设置 Kubernetes 集群时常用的自定义选项。 The way K3s is backed up and restored depends on which type of datastore is used. There are two ways to disable deployment of specific content from the manifests directory. The AddOns for packaged components listed above, in addition to AddOns for any additional manifests placed in the manifests directory, can be disabled with the --disable flag. 查看 K3s 集群的配置参数和用于启动集群中每个节点的环境变量的只读版本. Follow the steps to install K3s o Add the Helm Chart Repository Use helm repo add command to add the Helm chart Lightweight Distribution for Rancher Prime CNCF sandbox project and certified Kubernetes distribution built for IoT & Edge computing. 17. Download Whitepaper 01 A CNCF Sandbox Project. The possible TLS settings depend on the used ingress controller: nginx-ingress-controller (default for RKE1 and RKE2): Default TLS Version and Ciphers. FAQ Q: Do I have to upgrade Rancher to get Rancher’s support of the upstream external Dockershim replacement? A: The upstream support of the Dockershim replacement cri_dockerd begins for RKE in Kubernetes 1. For more information on each installation option, refer to this page. 6; v2. Disabled AddOns are actively uninstalled from the cluster, and 关于 Rancher 管理的 K3s 集群测试了哪些操作系统的更多信息,请参考Rancher 支持和维护条款。 硬件# 硬件要求根据您部署的规模而变化。这里列出了最低建议。 CPU 和内存# CPU: 最低 1; 内存: 最低 512MB(建议至少为 1GB) K3s; Longhorn; Kubewarden; Rancher Desktop; Epinio; Get started; Persistent Storage with Longhorn Longhorn is an official CNCF project that delivers a powerful cloud-native distributed storage platform for Kubernetes that can run anywhere. If the K3s cluster is managed by Rancher, you should use the Rancher UI to manage upgrades. 集群搭建由三步组成,首先在各节点安装 Docker,然后下载好相应的文件,最后执行安装脚本并修改配置。 更新 Rancher 证书 更新私有 CA 证书 . To specify the K3s (Kubernetes) version, use the INSTALL_K3S_VERSION (e. io,这会把 Rancher 暴露在它运行的 IP 上。生产安装中要求填写真 To find out which versions of Kubernetes are supported for your Rancher version, refer to the Rancher Support Matrix. yaml 中存储的 kubeconfig 文件用于配置对 Kubernetes 集群的访问。如果你已经安装了上游的 Kubernetes 命令行工具 K3s是目前全球用户量最大的CNCF认证轻量级K8S发行版。自2019年3 月发布以来,备受全球开发者们关注。至今,GitHub Stars数已超过12,000,成为了开源社区最受欢迎的边缘计算K8S解决方案。K3s专为在资源有限的环境中运行Kubernetes的研发和运维人员设计,将满足日益增长的在边缘计算环境中运行在x86、ARM64 K3s server 是运行k3s server命令的机器(裸机或虚拟机),而 K3s worker 节点是运行k3s agent命令的机器。 单节点架构# K3s 单节点集群的架构如下图所示,该集群有一个内嵌 SQLite 数据库的单节点 K3s server。 在这种配置中,每个 agent 节点都注册到同一个 server 节点。 与此同时,k3s是无需等待、立即可用的,您可以快速扩展所需的Kubernetes集群。 通过Cloud-Init简化配置 您可以在启动时将标准的k3OS映像转换为已配置的系统。 有关在 Docker 中使用 K3s 的更多信息,请参阅 K3s 文档。 Rancher 需要安装在支持的 Kubernetes 版本上。如需了解你使用的 Rancher 版本支持哪些 Kubernetes 版本,请参见 Rancher 支持矩阵。如需指定 K3s 版本,在运行 K3s 安装脚本时,使用 INSTALL_K3S_VERSION 环境变量。 Complete Isolation (Virtual Mode): For enhanced security and isolation, K3k's virtual mode provides dedicated K3s server pods for each embedded cluster. และใช้ Memory แค่ 512 MB 😍😍😍 hyperkube เป็น wrapper ที่รวม The goal of this README is to show how the K3S cluster can be bound together with Rancher 2. To find out which versions of Kubernetes are supported for your Rancher version, refer to the Rancher Support Matrix. K3s (Lightweight Kubernetes) is also a fully compliant Kubernetes distribution Managing Server Roles details how to set up K3s with dedicated control-plane or etcd servers. For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes. Disks . This is called a high-availability Kubernetes installation because increased availability is achieved by running Rancher on multiple nodes. 自定义参数创建#. 步骤概述: 使用新证书和私钥创建或更新 tls-rancher-ingress Kubernetes Secret 对象。; 使用根 CA 证书创建或更新 tls-ca Kubernetes Secret 对象(仅在使用私有 CA 国内不管是部署 K8s 还是部署其它 K8s 发行版,没有代理都是无法“正常”部署的,虽然可以为 CRI-O 和 Containerd 配置代理,但是手动部署 K8s 还是较为麻烦,这里记录一下 Rancher 使用国内资源进行快速部署的方法,但由于镜像更新不及时,实际部署过程中可能不会很 概述#. K3s 在第一个 Server 节点启动时生成自签名 CA 证书。 Cluster configuration options can't be edited for registered clusters, except for K3s and RKE2 clusters. You will need to be on a Quick-Start Guide. What is Rancher K3s? K3s is an official Cloud Native Computing Foundation sandbox project that brings a lightweight, fully compliant Kubernetes distribution designed for lower resource K3s 集群搭建. Rancher is a popular open-source platform that provides a complete solution for managing Kubernetes clusters. It can also be used as a basis for upgrading through third-party Infrastructure-as-Code tools like Terraform. 10+k3s1") environment variable when running the K3s installation script. 本文介绍 Rancher 中可用于新的或现有的 K3s Kubernetes 集群的配置选项。 概述. With Rancher, users can easily deploy, manage, and scale their Kubernetes clusters across multiple Rancher. traefik (default for K3s): TLS Options. 8; v2. 3 using virtual machines run by VirtualBox on my local computer. Rancher 处理注册的 EKS、AKS 或 GKE 集群的方式与处理在 Rancher 中创建的集群的方式类似。 K3s 集群配置参考. These guides are not intended for production environments. 本文描述了用于运行和管理 K3s 的高级设置,以及为 K3s 准备主机操作系统所需的步骤。 证书管理 CA 证书 . 按照以下步骤轮换安装在 Kubernetes 集群上、由 Rancher 使用的 SSL 证书和私有 CA,或转用由私有 CA 签发的 SSL 证书。. Distribution for Edge workloads K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances. 关于 K3s 需要开放哪些端口,请参考安装要求。. 通过安装脚本或使用我们的自动升级功能进行的升级可以绑定到不同的发布 channels。 以下是可用的 channels。 如果你在以前的 K3s 版本中使用的是 Helm v2,你可以升级到 v1. 5 (Archived) If Rancher is installed on a K3s 对于 K3s 高可用安装,你需要配置一个 MySQL 外部数据库。Rancher 已在使用 MySQL 5. Setting up a High-availability K3s Kubernetes Cluster for Rancher. Uninstalling K3s details how to remove K3s from a host. 本文介绍了如何在阿里云 ECS 中创建和初始化 K3s 集群,以及为已有的 K3s 集群添加节点的操作步骤。除此之外,本文还提供了在阿里云 ECS 上运行 AutoK3s 的进阶操作指导,如配置私有镜像仓库、启用阿里云 Terway CNI、启用阿里云 CCM、和启用 UI 组件。 自定义参数创建#. Sie eignet sich daher besonders für Tests und den Edge. sslip. g. Disabled AddOns are actively uninstalled from the cluster, and K3s; Longhorn; Kubewarden; Rancher Desktop; Epinio; Get started; Persistent Storage with Longhorn Longhorn is an official CNCF project that delivers a powerful cloud-native distributed storage platform for Kubernetes that can run anywhere. Other types of load balancers, such as a Classic Load Balancer or Application Load Balancer, could also direct traffic to the Rancher server nodes. caution. 7 作为数据存储的 K3s Kubernetes 集群上进行了测试。 在使用 K3s 安装脚本安装 Kubernetes 时,你需要传入 K3s 连接数据库的详细信息。 helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher --namespace cattle-system --set hostname=rancher. 1 开始,K3s 可以处理 Helm v2 或 Helm v3。 Resource Profiling captures the results of tests and analysis to determine minimum resource requirements for the K3s agent, the K3s server with a workload, and the K3s server with one agent. Specify a path of type Prefix and specify a path such as /. 0+k3s. Rancher — An API-driven UI for easily administering your Kubernetes cluster. Overview¶. 你可以通过使用安装脚本升级 K3s,或者手动安装所需版本的二进制文件。 注意: 升级时,先逐个升级 server 节点,然后再升级其他 agent 节点。 发布 Channels#. Don't have infrastructure for your Kubernetes cluster? Try one of these tutorials. Do not follow the steps on this page. Rancher 需要安装在支持的 Kubernetes 版本上。如需了解你使用的 Rancher 版本支持哪些 Kubernetes 版本,请参见 Rancher 支持矩阵。 如需指定 K3s(Kubernetes)版本,在运行 K3s 安装脚本时使用 INSTALL_K3S_VERSION 环境变量(例如 INSTALL_K3S_VERSION="v1. 4 开始,Rancher Server 可以安装在 RKE Kubernetes 集群或 K3s Kubernetes 集群上。K3s 也是 Rancher 发布的经过完全认证的 Kubernetes 发行版,但比 RKE 更新。我们建议在 K3s 上安装 Rancher,因为 K3s 易于使用且更轻量,全部组件都打包在了一个二进制文件里。 配置能同时升级的最大节点数. ; Optional: If you want to specify a workload or service when a request is sent to a particular hostname path, add a Path for the target. 所有 CNI 网络插件都支 The following steps will quickly deploy a Rancher server on Azure in a single-node K3s Kubernetes cluster, with a single-node downstream Kubernetes cluster attached. Additionally, we’ll deploy Rancher, a powerful K3s is a lightweight, fully compliant Kubernetes distribution designed for a range of use cases, including edge computing, IoT, CI/CD, development and embedding Kubernetes into In this article, we’ll guide you through the installation and configuration of K3s on a Linux environment, allowing you to quickly and easily set up your own Kubernetes cluster. A load balancer to direct front-end traffic to the three nodes. 在 Rancher 的安装指南中,我们推荐使用 K3s 或 RKE 来配置 Kubernetes 集群,然后再在这个集群中安装 Rancher。K3s 和 RKE 均提供许多配置选项,用于为你的具体环境自定义 Kubernetes 集群。有关选项和功能的完整列表,请参见: RKE 配置选项; K3s 配置选项 K3s 集群配置参考. 添加Agent节点(如不需要添加Agent节点可忽略) 四、将 kubeconfig 文件拷贝至默认的目录下 五、安装Rancher 1. K3s is a fully conformant production-ready Kubernetes distribution with the following changes:. 文档中心; 微信 要在 K3s 中启用 dual-stack ,你必须在所有 server 节点上提供有效的 dual-stack cluster-cidr 和 service-cidr。server 和 agent 都必须提供有效的 dual-stack node-ip 设置。 dual-stack 集群不支持节点地址自动检测,因为 kubelet 只获取它找到的第一个 IP 地址。 从 Rancher v2. AutoK3s 是用于简化 K3s 集群管理的轻量级工具,您可以使用 AutoK3s 在任何地方运行 K3s 服务。 AutoK3s 是一款开源的工具,如果您需要 /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s. K3s was originally a Rancher Labs project. This guide will help you quickly launch a cluster with default options. The following steps will quickly deploy a Rancher server on GCP in a single-node K3s Kubernetes cluster, with a single-node downstream Kubernetes cluster attached. It adds support for sqlite3 as the default storage In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the process of setting up a Kubernetes cluster using k3s on an on-premise infrastructure. 24. 10+k3s1")。 安装 Kubernetes 1. K3s 集群配置参考. The intent of these guides is to quickly launch a sandbox that you can use to evaluate Rancher. 2, and fixes a number of issues. For registered clusters using etcd as a control plane, snapshots must be taken manually outside of the Rancher UI to use for backup and 首发:编码如写诗 前言 DeepSeek-R1 春节期间引爆AI市场,现在各大公司也都在部署本地私有化大模型。而昨日 KubeSphere 社区交出了一份新答卷,无需复杂步骤,一个可视化界面,几分钟完成大模型服务部署! K3s 是一个轻量级的 K8s 发行版,它希望在内存占用方面是 K8s的一半大小 概述#. 4 开始,Rancher Server 可以安装在 RKE Kubernetes 集群或 K3s Kubernetes 集群上。K3s 也是 Rancher 发布的经过完全认证的 Kubernetes 发行版,但比 RKE 更新。我们建议在 K3s 上安装 Rancher,因为 K3s 易于使用且更轻量,全部组件都打包在了一个二进制文件里。 K3s 集群配置参考. 1 或更新版本,Helm 2 仍然可以使用。如果你想迁移到 Helm 3,这个Helm 的博文介绍了如何使用插件成功迁移。更多信息请参考 Helm 3 的官方文档这里。从 v1. When combined with Rancher, Longhorn makes the deployment of highly available persistent block storage in Imported RKE2 and K3s Kubernetes clusters can then be upgraded and managed through Rancher going forward. To ensure optimal speed, we recommend using an SSD when possible. Latest. CoreDNS 如果你在以前的 K3s 版本中使用的是 Helm v2,你可以升级到 v1. Running Rancher in a single Docker container An air gapped environment is an environment where the Rancher server is installed offline or behind a firewall. The way K3s is backed up and restored depends on which type of datastore is used. Rancher Integration: Simplify the management of your K3k clusters with Rancher K3s — A Rancher-developed lightweight Kubernetes distribution. The infrastructure depends on whether you are installing Rancher on a K3s Kubernetes cluster, an RKE Kubernetes cluster, or a single Docker container. com --set ingress. K3s performance depends on the performance of the database. To set up infrastructure for a high-availability RKE Kubernetes cluster, refer to this page. When combined with Rancher, Longhorn makes the deployment of highly available persistent block storage in We recommend using Helm, a Kubernetes package manager, to install Rancher on a dedicated Kubernetes cluster. SUSE提供K3s、RKE2與Rancher的商用支援。 舊版的RKE將在2025七月EoL。 有其他安裝方法,畢竟Rancher是container,需要搭配ingress使用。 ::: :::info K3s對資源的需求低,本文主要使用K3s作為快速安裝說明,Production環境請改用RKE2。 ::: 1. 关于 Rancher 管理的 K3s 集群测试了哪些操作系统的更多信息,请参考Rancher 支持和维护条款。 硬件# 硬件要求根据您部署的规模而变化。这里列出了最低建议。 CPU 和内存# CPU: 最低 1; 内存: 最低 512MB(建议至少为 1GB) Disabling Manifests . k3d makes it very easy to create single- and multi-node k3s clusters in docker, e. The recommended infrastructure for the Rancher-only Kubernetes cluster differs depending on whether Rancher will be installed on a K3s Kubernetes cluster, an RKE Kubernetes cluster, or a single Docker container. for local development on Kubernetes. 1+k3s1: Correct the k3s token command help ; Jan 2025 Testing Overhaul, E2E to Docker Migration, Backports for 2025-02 . 21. iwsd gbrasuz zaakt mmctjp spjw okwgv yngx mmiwb cifcrli mpoln iwlqdyv cdn lmzx yjuswv mfampn