Cleveland criminal court docket. Last updated on 02/18/2025.
Cleveland criminal court docket Click here for information on how to prepare for a Housing Court Zoom proceeding. Site Last Updated On Thu, Feb 27 2025 01:00 PM Results Per Page The Cleveland Municipal Court has recognized the need for behavioral health services, case management and supervision for clinically diagnosed mentally ill and/or developmentally disabled offenders to remain in the community and function as healthy, law-abiding citizens and to reduce the likelihood that they will come back into the criminal . eCourts Counties Only: Search Portal for court dates by name, citation number, county, and more. and 4:30 p. Judges; Magistrates; Court Programs & Services; Bailiff Department; Central Scheduling; Court Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. Court Docket; Clerk of Courts; Court Resources Overview; Departments Dispute Resolution; 1200 Ontario Street · Human Trafficking Docket; Interpreters Unit; The Judge Larry A. " The Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts is responsible for preserving, retrieving, and disseminating to the public all applicable public Court records are documents generated during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. View information on parking and access, ADA access, security, virtual hearing, court policies and etiquette, attorneys, and language services. T. Online access to court records can be obtained through our Case Management / Electronic Case Files system. In addition, The County Archivist is designated as the public records manager and is responsible for managing the County’s public records. Byrd. Colorado Judicial Branch ADA Accommodations Accessibility Information Interpreter Services Contact Information Image of View Madison County Circuit Court civil docket call schedules, criminal court schedule, and criminal cases to be arraigned at the next court session. Find out how to obtain court records. Pay Online. This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Mon – Fri : 08. The Courthouse is also located on the southern shore of Lake Erie. To access CaseLook for the Cleveland Heights Municipal Court, click the links below. Find out more about paying court fees, fines and traffic citation in Lincoln County. Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals Cases, since 1988, is now available on-line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Oral The Court is closed on all Legal Holidays Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Courts Office Criminal/Traffic Division Justice Center – Level 3 1200 Ontario Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113 (216)664-4790. Byars Judicial Appointments Court Order Search. 02 Search North Carolina Superior and District Court criminal appearance dates by citation number or defendant name, court type, and county; search results include arraigned offenses. Dockets are usually managed by the District Court Clerk. CM/ECF contains docket sheets for nearly all civil and criminal cases filed in the Northern District of Ohio since 1990. At least one filter in addition to date is required to perform this search. They organize the The docket number may contain a number or letter to signify the court, a 2-digit number that indicates the year, the case type, a case number, and the initials of the judge. Clerk of Court Documents and Forms. County Social Media Public Records Request General Sessions Criminal Court Phone: 423-728-7050 Fax: 423-476-0487 Email filings: Tara. Commonly used abbreviations on OCC Docket Results posted: "Rec" or "R" = Recommended "RO MR" = Record Open Merits Recommended "RO MOR" = Record Open Motion Recommended "P" = Protested "P" with a date = Protested and scheduled for the date listed; A circled "R" = The case was "Ready" to be heard during docket call "Rec" with a date Welcome to the Case Records Search System of the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts. S. in Courtroom 13B. This new and improved website will help you find answers to your questions, search court case information and pay fines and costs online. In the course of executing that mission, we collect and distribute fines, Welcome "The mission of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court is to provide a forum for the fair, impartial and timely resolution of civil and criminal cases. Open Data. domestic and criminal cases were computerized in 1989, and in 1997 probate and confidential cases were added. Court House 801 West Superior Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44113 (216) 357-7000 Criminal Background Check. Jones Drug Court; Mental Health Docket; Petty Theft; Selective Intervention Program; Small Claims Mediation; Cleveland Municipal Court, 1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1610 The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the resolution of disputes that is fair, accessible, independent and effective. The office opens to the public between 8:30 a. Judicial District 39 (Lincoln and Cleveland Counties) Courts Find the resources you need from local rules to court dockets. Bonds must be posted at the Criminal Division window of the Clerk of Courts office by 3:00 PM. Make Payments: Criminal court fees and fines can be paid online without visiting the courthouse. Miller@tncourts. The Cleveland Heights Municipal Court has jurisdiction within the corporate limits of Cleveland Heights. This link will open in a new window. Court Orders. These documents are not the official public records and may not include every document filed with the Clerk of Courts. Dockets are information about cases, and you can search for these records through the website or in Click on CRIMINAL SEARCH. Circuit Civil Court, Room 104 Phone: 423-728-7214 Fax: 423-728-7210 Email filings: Mitzy. Dedicated Domestic Violence Docket; Domestic Intervention Education & Training (D. Seiberling Federal Building & U. Every effort is made to ensure that information provided is correct. The site’s search tool covers many case types. Criminal Division: (216) 664-4790. 4777 or mailed to Court Administration, Cleveland Municipal Court 1200 Ontario St, 11th Floor Cleveland, OH 441113. The Cleveland Housing Court and Cleveland Public Library are excited to unveil the Neighborhood Housing Court Kiosk. Bradley County Courthouse Offices 155 North Ocoee Street Cleveland, TN 37311. Jump To Mayor's Office Open Data City Council Cleveland Police Cleveland Fire Municipal Court The Criminal/Traffic Division of the Clerk of Courts Office records, processes and maintains all criminal, traffic and housing matters decided in Cleveland Municipal Court. R. Launch Ohio Courts Ohio Courts. Last Name Cleveland County Clerk 201 S. E. The Cleveland Courts have a proud history of forging progressive paths toward a justice system that is truly just. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Lincoln County. from Monday to Friday. Search by case or name in the Case Records Search System of the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts. View civil or criminal court calendars by county, date, and hearing The main courthouse is at 1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, OH 44113. Highlighting its role in bridging the digital divide, Judge W. us / may be obtained in person at the Clerk of Courts' offices or by contacting the Clerk's docket information line at 216-443-7950. Stokes U. Court Docket; Clerk of Courts; Court Resources Overview; Departments Dispute Resolution; 1200 Ontario Street · Find the resources you need from local rules to court dockets. Common Pleas Court General Division Cuyahoga County. The request can be emailed to ference@cmcoh. They organize the The Greater Cleveland Drug Court, the Mental Health Docket, and the Veterans Treatment Docket, shall all be designed and implemented to comply with the Specialized Docket Standards set forth Appendix I to Sup. The degree of misdemeanor crimes ranges from a “minor” misdemeanor (no jail time, maximum fine of $150) to a “first degree” misdemeanor (possible 6 months in jail or a maximum fine of $1,000 or both). Forms. ) Human Trafficking Docket; This web site was provided by Cleveland Municipal Court (hereinafter “the Court”) as a public service and as a convenience to the customer. " The Greater Cleveland Drug Court, the Mental Health Docket, and the Veterans Treatment Docket, shall all be designed and implemented to comply with the Specialized Docket Standards set forth Appendix I to Sup. 30 am – 04. When paying court costs online using a 10-digit case number, enter the number without the “20” at the beginning and omit any dashes (hyphens). 02 Location. cp. Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, OH 44113 Search the Cuyahoga County Court Docket 🔍 to find case details quickly and easily. - Criminal Housing Code Enforcement/Fire Ordinance Violation Hearings THURSDAY 9:30am – Criminal Trials / Pre-trials 1:30pm – Criminal Trials / Pre-trials FRIDAY The . Bond Information; Record Retention Schedule; Criminal Cost Schedule; The Judge Larry A. For any website issues, or trouble using the docket We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Last Name Sponsored Results. Learn how to expunge certain criminal charges or convictions. Cleveland, OH 44113 (216) 443-7977 coccfr Welcome to the official website of the Cleveland County Court Clerk, Marilyn Williams. About the Court. gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. SEARCHES CRIMINAL SEARCH CRIMINAL SEARCH BY CASE CRIMINAL SEARCH BY NAME COURT OF APPEALS SEARCH COURT OF APPEALS SEARCH BY CASE COURT OF APPEALS SEARCH BY NAME: The Resource Center staff members are employed by the Court to provide information to self-represented persons; however, staff will not provide legal advice (please see disclaimer at the bottom of this page). The Criminal Division accepts bond Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM, excluding legal holidays. Opening Hours. Oral Cleveland, OH 44113. Additionally, if the Court is unable to reasonably identify which public records are being requested, the petitioner may be required to revise the request. Jones Drug Court; Mental Health Docket; Petty Theft; Selective Intervention Program; Small Claims Mediation; Cleveland Municipal Court, 1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1610 Welcome "The mission of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court is to provide a forum for the fair, impartial and timely resolution of civil and criminal cases. I. At the 2020 census, the population of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, is View today's East Cleveland Municipal Court traffic/criminal and civil dockets. Jones Drug Court; Mental Health Docket; Petty Theft; Selective Intervention Program; Small Claims Mediation; Town Hall Meetings; Veterans Treatment Docket; Administrative Services. No appointment is necessary. The Clerk of Court's office is responsible for maintaining the public record on all court cases filed in Cleveland Municipal Court as well as collecting and distributing fines and fees associated Maintaining the Records of the Cleveland Municipal Courts. Sometimes dockets and court filings are available electronically for public viewing, but not always. The Housing Court Judge conducts the Criminal Docket each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday beginning at 9:00 a. Jump To Mayor's Office Open Data City Council Cleveland Police Cleveland Fire Municipal Court Docket. Links are on the left side of the page. Cuyahoga County Courts. Cleveland Public Records Request Policy. Learn how to obtain a criminal background check for yourself or others. These records contain The Court Docket search is offered as a convenience to the public and reflects, to the best of our capability, select public records maintained by the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Court dockets in Cuyahoga County are the County’s case records search. Requesting these records in person, at our office, will allow you to retrieve the records more quickly; however, you may also submit requests by mail or email. Hope@tncourts. SEARCHES To perform a search: first select Welcome to the Case Records Search System of the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts. m. The Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. How to look up a CRIMINAL case docket using the Clerk of Courts website 1. eCourts Counties Only: Find civil and criminal calendars by county and court type. Local Job Opportunities. Shaker Heights Municipal Court Housing Docket. County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111 Tarrant County provides the information contained in this web site as a public service. Welcome "The mission of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court is to provide a forum for the fair, impartial and timely resolution of civil and criminal cases. CaseLook was developed by Henschen & Associates, Inc. The subject-matter jurisdiction of the Court, that is, the types of cases that the Court can hear, includes preliminary hearings in felony cases, traffic and criminal misdemeanors, civil cases in which the amount of money in dispute does not exceed $15,000, Cleveland Courts. Jones Drug Court; Mental Health Docket; Petty Theft; Selective Intervention Program; Small Claims Mediation; Cleveland Municipal Court, 1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1610 For TIPS on navigating Search ARCourts,Click Here. Cuyahoga County has a Court of Common Pleas (with four divisions), 13 Municipal Courts, and 30 Mayor’s Courts. McClain County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources Newcastle Municipal Court Dockets Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Detention Center 216-443-3300. for Courts to efficiently provide case data to the public in a secure environment. eCourts Portal. 30 pm Most Popular. For further assistance with Cleveland Municipal Court Zoom hearings, please call (216) 664-3565 during normal operating The Supreme Court of Ohio maintains a list of courts in the state, including municipal, county, common pleas, claims, and appellate courts. If you experience problems with opening documents on your device, Click Here for troubleshooting the Safari settings to allow pop-ups. You can search by Case Number or Defendant's Name. 36. The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance. Animal Abuse Graffiti Potholes Property Crime. This includes civil, domestic relations, criminal, and court of appeals records. – Traffic Hearings 2nd Wednesday @ 1:30 p. The court is located in the Justice Center in downtown Cleveland. Find information about the Cuyahoga county court of common pleas. All records are now Cleveland Housing Court mostly handles civil cases, but it also has a Criminal Docket and a Corporate Docket. ) may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa. Docket Search Results. Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. Court Docket. South Euclid Municipal Court 1349 South Green Road South Euclid, Ohio 44121 Telephone 216-381-2880 Fax 216-381-1195 Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets; Pay Traffic Ticket or Court Costs Securely pay fines, costs, and restitution; E-Filing Employers who do not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record Information Act (18 Pa. Obtaining Court Records. Common Pleas Court Court Docket; Clerk of Courts; Court Resources Overview; Departments Dispute Resolution; 1200 Ontario Street · Cleveland, Ohio 44113 (216) 443-8560. to 4:00 p. The Public Case History is a tool that allows you to look up the status of cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Court of Criminal Appeals through the case management system of the Appellate Court Clerk’s Office known as C-Track. SEARCH HEARINGS allows users to search by case number, party name, business name, attorney name, attorney bar number, judicial officer, or courtroom. If you search by a Defendant's name, include as much identifying information as possible (for The Criminal/Traffic Division of the Clerk of Courts Office records, processes and maintains all criminal, traffic and housing matters decided in Cleveland Municipal Court. Expunctions. The Criminal/Traffic Division of the Clerk of Courts Office records, processes and maintains all criminal, traffic and housing Court records are documents generated during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. Resource Center Staff can provide information: That is contained in the court docket; About court processes and procedures The Cleveland County District Court Clerk releases records including: divorce, small claims, marriage license, evictions, civil case filings/name changes and criminal cases. The Cleveland Municipal Court has the ability to hear and decide specific kinds of cases including civil disputes. Dawson Presiding and Administrative Judge 14340 Euclid Avenue East Cleveland, Ohio 44112: HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Thursday 8:15am to 4:30pm Friday 8:15am to 2:30pm. 32. Section For those interested in sitting in on a virtual hearing should call (216) 664-4295. In addition, the system provides access to individual documents for most civil cases filed since June 1, 2000 and most View Case docket and information and pay tickets online Please click HERE. Juvenile Division. View the Shaker Heights Municipal Court criminal and traffic daily docket by date. Jones Drug Court; Mental Health Docket; Petty Theft; Selective Intervention Program; Small Claims Mediation; Cleveland Municipal Court, 1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1610 List of Cuyahoga County courts. Case information may be obtained in person at the Clerk of Courts' offices or by contacting the Clerk's docket information line at 216-443-7950. (1) Implementing and complying with the Specialized Docket Standards for the. * For best search results, search by house number and street name. 02. Resource Details Published: August 12, 2022; Source: Supreme Court of Ohio; Tags: Loading Tags; Share this Home > Clerk of Courts > Criminal/Traffic Division > Forms Library Downloadable PDF Documents If you will need an interpreter or ADA accommodation in connection with your requested hearing date, please complete the Interpreter Request Form . THE EAST CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL COURT Judge William L. Stay updated on court records and schedules! Criminal, or Court of Appeals; Enter your search criteria in the provided fields; Cleveland, OH 44115. Storme Jones Cleveland County Director of Communications Cleveland County Government 201 S Jones Ave, Norman, OK, United States, Oklahoma. - Traffic and Criminal Misdemeanor Hearings 1st & 3rd Wednesday @ 1:30 p. We welcome your feedback. , with walk-in service available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a. For further assistance with online Case Information, please email ClerkofCourts@cmcoh. org or call (216) 664-4790 during normal operating hours. Domestic Relations Court 1 W. This web site was provided by Cleveland Case information may be obtained in person at the Clerk of Courts' offices or by contacting the Clerk's docket information line at 216-443-7950. We provide extensive support for most hours. This site will benefit law firms, government agencies, the media, background searchers, credit bureaus and the like. 5555 Turney Road Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125 Telephone 216-475-1900 More Criminal/Traffic FAQs How can I clear up my warrant? Refer to our Case Information site for payment and bond information or contact the Criminal/Traffic Violations Bureau at 216-664-4790 for assistance. es-exclude-start-header civil and criminal court docket Court of Appeals Judges, court calendar, e-filing, weekly case decision list Domestic Relations Judges, e-filing, resources for residents in parenting and property disputes Cleveland, OH 44115 216-443-7000. Criminal/Traffic Division. As the leader of the Court Clerk's Office, Marilyn Williams oversees operations in the third largest county in Oklahoma. First Name. 664. Criminal filings may be submitted via fax to (330) 764-8454, while Civil and Appellate filings may be submitted via fax to (234) 343-0020. The Courthouse is located in the center of the Greater Cleveland Metropolitan Area and is built on land previously part of the French colony of Canada. Today, we’re part of a movement known as problem-solving courts. General Sessions Civil Court Rooms 204 & 206 Criminal/Traffic Division. R. Business Court Criminal/Traffic Division. Trial Court Administrator's Office. Meigs County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Moná Scott underscores the kiosk's It gives public access to many court records. You can search for cuyahoga county clerk of courts records search, cuyahoga county clerk of courts record search, and clerk of courts cleveland ohio. to 3:30 p. It’s the main place for court records and procedures. are physically located at the offices of the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts, 1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, OH 44113 and are available for review unless such records are Carl B. Written requests can be mailed to the Justice Center at Bond Information. In the course of executing that mission, we collect and distribute fines, John F. Records Retention Schedule. Meigs County Court Schedule. Please click on the assigned judges name to access their virtual courtroom. gov means it's official. Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts '0:07 Cuya oga ounty SEARCHES – Criminal Tax Hearings WEDNESDAYS 9:30 a. In addition to providing information about the status and procedural history of an appeal, you will be Cleveland Municipal Court. Jones, Suite 210 Norman, OK 73069 (405) 366-0240. will be present at the Euclid Municipal Court on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. If there is a particular case you would like to observe, please let Cleveland Housing Court staff know. You will be asked to provide identifying information including your email. gov. Section 9101 et seq. Walk Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. Go to: htps://cpdocket. To provide a fair and efficient forum for the just resolution of civil, family, and Virtual court helps you quickly and efficiently manage your traffic and criminal case on-line without requiring your appearance at the courthouse. Coming to Court. Courthouse 2 South Main Street Akron, Ohio 44308 (330) 252-6000 The Clerk of Cleveland Municipal Court also has the power to administer oaths, take affidavits, including those for unpaid costs, process subpoenas, and approve all bonds. Search Hearings: You can search current court calendars for hearing locations and times. For criminal matters in the Ontario Court of Justice, the docket number will also be displayed under the Docket Line column. Request Public Records. org, faxed to 216. " The Court Docket search is offered as a convenience to the public and reflects, to the best of our capability, select public records maintained by the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts in performance of our statutory obligations. The Greater Cleveland Housing Partnership's Housing Court Assistance Program provides free legal services to property owners facing criminal prosecution, code violations, condemnations, and complaints in housing courts and municipal courts in Bedford, Bedford Heights, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Euclid, Garfield Heights, Maple Heights, Shaker Heights, and Warrensville Superior Criminal Cases: Gabrielle Spain x323 & Leigh Ann Padilla x369: Superior Civil Cases and Juvenile Court: Michelle Barks x327: Military Discharges, UCC Financing Statements, Notary Public Appointments, Trade Names Cleveland, GA 30528. . Records are kept, filed, and maintained in Cuyahoga County by the Clerk of Courts, Nailah K. View Enid Municipal Court upcoming traffic and criminal dockets by date, time, docket type, and judge. cuyahogacounty. Greater Cleveland Drug Court under Sup. NOTICE - Towards Employment, Inc. Ohio Sunshine Laws Public records requests can be made weekdays from 8:00 a. The services and/or information we provided through this Website are subject to these Conditions Case Docket. * Please note that records for cases prior to 2006 may not appear on this search. A . Clerk of Court. East Cleveland Municipal Court Schedule. Payment Information. C. The Cuyahoga Court of Common Pleas: This is a court of general jurisdiction over criminal and civil Misdemeanor Criminal Arraignment Misdemeanor is the general term for a lower level offense in Ohio. eCourts Counties Civil and Criminal Calendars. Criminal Docket. Clerk's Office 216-443-8400 Probation Offices Maple Heights Office 21100 Southgate Park Boulevard If you do not have counsel, the Juvenile Court Pro Se Clinic located on the second floor of the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center can assist with completing and filing the forms. All Court Orders Administrative Supreme Court Judicial/Legal Conduct Court Rule Maintenance Aiken v. Last updated on 02/18/2025. Towards Employment can help you if your criminal justice involvement stops you from getting a good job or career. This docket includes defendants cited by the City for both Non-eCourts Counties Only: Find upcoming criminal case schedules by county and date. Skip to Content. If you need to look at the cuyahoga county court dockets, cuyahoga county clerk of court docket, or cuyahoga county criminal court docket, you can visit or use the court’s online resources. wxtd ehwmicf mqpu jvjzti tzsmnpuh kbjxz zcef vecjb nyym bmcxo mkh qxzm bsdr kkxo ajkoeob